Title : Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Striker S Non Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Figma Teana Lanster (Barrier Jacket Version)
Here is an action figure of an action heroine. Teana Lanster is the sharp shooter of the team and the partner of Subaru, she is also an essential member of your Nanoha girls collection. The special joints installed in her body and the soft material of her clothes give you pure freedom when you play with her.Put her on a crane and let her do a battle jump, put her guns in her hands and let her fire them. There are firing effect pieces you can stick to her gun for a more realistic picture.
Although unscaled, she is loyally made according to the anime. You can put her hair in pig tails or pull it all down, just remove and assemble her hair pieces. This package has a lot of accessories, switch them around for fun.
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