Title : Hyakka Ryoran 1/8 Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Yagyu Jubei
Hyakka Ryoran 1/8 Scale Pre-Painted PVC Figure: Yagyu Jubei Alter
Alter is going to release the Yagyu Jubei ( 柳生十兵衛 ) 1/8 PVC figure from the light novel “Samurai Girls” ( 百花繚乱 ), a join project by Nitro+ and Hobby Japan. Will be released in August 2009. Around 220mm tall, 7,800 yen.
She’s here finally! If you remember the magazine scan from the beginning of this year, then you should know this Hobby Japan 40th anniversary project “Samurai Girls”. It is a join project of Nitro+ and Hobby Japan.
The first volume of the light novel just released by the end of February. From those people who read it, they said it’s like Ikkitousen+Samurai Guard+Negima!. As you can tell from the girls’ names, they’re the historical heroes of Japan’s feudal era but they live in the present day. They need to form some kind of contract between “Samurai” (侍) and “Shogun” (将) by kissing (or something belong that level). And of course, the girls’ clothes keep falling apart during the fight. Sounds really interesting, I’m really looking forward to the any manga or anime adoption. =P
Official Samurai Girls homepage
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